Wednesday, June 23, 2010

We’ve caught another one! (Now two!)

That’s right. I have someone else who has joined the blogging world that is very dear to me. It’s my best friend, Erin.

Let me tell you a little about her:

Erin and Hunter

Erin and I have been best friends since Kindergarten. She’s 22 years old and is engaged to an incredibly great guy named Hunter. Erin is currently pursuing her degree in nursing, but there’s a possibility that it might change. {You’ll have to read the blog to find out.} She’s just a fun girl to be around, but she’s what I consider a “good” girl, which is always a plus!

I hope you take a chance to read her blog. She’s just done her first two posts, so I’m sure she’ll have some great material coming up. I know I can’t wait to read it!

Her blog is Psalm 23. CLICK HERE TO READ ALL ABOUT IT!


I just got another message on Facebook that my cousin, Meg, is starting a blog, too. I have to say that I’m in love with the name of her blog.

Seeking Mary’s Heart in a Martha World

Don’t you just love that name? I related with her first post, especially, and I encourage you to read it as well. I’m excited about it because I rarely get to see them since they live outside of Atlanta, so this is a great way for us to know what’s going on in each other’s lives.

I think blogging is catching on!

Here’s a photo of the girl behind the blog:


So, that was a trick really. Which girl is it? She’s the one in the middle. Those other two girls are my great cousins, Cate and Misty.

Good luck, Meg! Don’t give up on it! You’ll really learn to enjoy it!


  1. Thank you for the post! :) Maybe I'll get some followers now! Hopefully I can keep this thing up and going! Wish me luck!

  2. Many thanks B! Glad you enjoyed the first post! This is going to be so fun :)
