Do you ever think about where you might live if you didn’t live where you do now? From time to time, I think about it. It’s mostly when I’m dreaming of taking a vacation somewhere that isn’t going to happen. This time the dreaming is more than likely due to my addiction to Nicholas Sparks books in their relaxing setting of various locations on the North Carolina coast.
Here’s my opinion about books. I love to read them, but then I hate when the story is over. I seem to put every emotion I have into a book and am so let down when the book ends despite if it had the ending I had hoped or not. I re-watched The Vow this weekend, and the ending wasn’t quite as awful as I remembered in theaters. I guess I was too into it during the theaters, too. Anyhow…in the movie, Leo asks Paige what her favorite book is and how it makes her feel when she first reads it. When the book’s over though, you wish you could get those feelings and excitement back that you had from first reading it. That’s exactly how I feel when I read a book. If you’re looking for a good read, my suggestions are all Nicholas Sparks. So far, I’ve read Safe Haven, The Rescue, The Lucky One, The Choice, Dear John, The Notebook, and The Wedding. All will pull at your heartstrings in their own different ways. Right now, I’m reading A Bend in the Road. I’ll let you know how it is.
All of that is beside the point though….I’ve gotten a bit off track.
If things were different in your life, where would you dream of living? What makes you dream of living in that place?
For me, it’s the coast of South Carolina. There’s so much to love about it. Where do I even begin? Prepare yourself because this list is going to be totally random, but all things that have drawn me in.
{1} Live oaks….everywhere. It just makes everything a bit more romantic when you’re in the midst of low hanging
branches of a live oak tree.

{2} A combination of southern comfort food and seafood. Geez? Is there anything more scrumptious than shrimp and

{3} Historic charm. It’s in the architecture & the atmosphere.

{4} The coast. Oh, how I would love to live by the water and watch the boats come in and out. Sail boats in particular.
I’m in love with them really.

{5} Small town feel. Just like where I live now, I’d want to live in a part of the coast that reflected small town living
where there are hole in the wall places to eat and everyone knows your business, but friends and family are still the
basis of everyday living.
Can you blame me? Doesn’t it look like the perfect place to live? Charleston is beautiful, but it isn’t exactly where I’d want to live. Somewhere close by with a slow-paced life sounds just perfect though. It’s all dreams though. It might be my next vacation spot though. I’ll be the first to tell you that I do not adapt well to change, so moving to a place where I knew no one or where anything was would completely terrify me. Instead, I’m quite satisfied here in my small town close to my family and friends. After all, those are two aspects of my life that will always come first.
It doesn’t hurt to dream though!