This past month has been a whirlwind, and now it is coming to an end. During this month, I have been big, fat, and pregnant. I’ve had two baby showers. We’ve welcomed Drake into the world, and we’ve thrown in a little excitement and some Easter celebrations. Hopefully, over the next week, I can recap March and all of the happenings.
For starters, I had two amazing showers hosted by some of my favorite people!
The first shower took place at school, and it was absolutely beautiful, and we were blessed with so many gifts to welcome Drake into the world. For a second child, this little guy had plenty of personalized gifts and some necessessities {in my opinion} that needed to be replaced after lots of use from Landry.
I am so thankful to work with such wonderful people, especially my second grade gals! Thank you all for everything you did to make this happen. I am so lucky to have such wonderful friends as you all!
And what puts a great end to the week rather than another baby shower hosted by my sister and aunt?!?! They were so kind to host a “sprinkle” for baby Drake. My poor sister hand cut every one of those rain drops because her Silhouette machine wasn’t working right. That is dedication!
So thankful for my family that came to sprinkle us with some more needs that were met!
Thanks to all of my hostesses for caring so much about Drake and I and for going through all the trouble to make both of these events happen! We are truly grateful for all you did!