Since Independence Day is right around the corner, I wanted to add a few touches around the house to show our patriotism for our country.
This year I kept our decor contained to our fireplace in the dining room and the front porch.
For the mantel, I only used things I already had here at the house- minus the miniature flags that were like $2.50 a pack of four.
My SIL and I made the wreath a few years ago, and surprisingly it has held on. I do believe I’m going to have to get another one though since the leaves are falling off slowly, but surely. For the purpose of this mantel though, it served the purpose. All it is is a boxwood wreath from NDI, some thick white ribbon, and a metal star that I’m sure you can find at nearly any thrift/antique type store right now. It’s simply wired together, and I added a hanger on the back of it with some thread. Use what you have!
For the rest of the mantel, I brought in my lanterns from the porch {that I scored at Dirt Cheap}, some candles, a frame that I painted red a few years ago {with a free printable}, and a galvanized bucket I used at a shower previously.
The banner was made for Landry’s 1st birthday party last year {and will likely by used this year as well}. All you need for it is some gingham fabric, some hem tape, and grosgrain ribbon. I bought a yard of each color. You will have plenty left over, and mine is pretty long. It spanned across the back porch as a banner for the party, so that can give you an idea of the length.
For it, I simply traced a triangle pattern that I made onto the fabric. I cut it with cutting shears, and I didn’t worry about perfection. I then used the iron and a wet cloth to connect the fabric and ribbon with the hem tape.
As for the porch, I simply stuck some more of the miniature flags into my planters I blogged about here.
And of course, we are flying Old Glory just as we do year around.