I can’t believe it, but I’ve been doing a superb job in accomplishing these house goals that I set for myself this year. I told myself that if I could at least accomplish one goal a month that I would be satisfied and so far, so good!
We’ve gotten our living room furniture {two couches and side tables}; we’ve gotten rid of the disgusting blue carpet and replaced it with neutral, plush carpet {major accomplishment}; and now we’ve gotten a large rug for the house.
Now I’m going to be completely honest with you. This is not the rug of my dreams or perfect quality, but when it became available it was hard for me to pass it up for $50, especially since it was going in the den where it will get the most traffic and the dirtiest.
You see, my sister bought this rug at the good ole Dirty Chicken {known to most around our town as Dirt Cheap}. If you walked in there, you would understand why we call it the Dirty Chicken. At times, you can find some terrific things, but you have to sort through the gigantic mess that is thrown up on the shelves in a very messy, unorganized fashion. Sadly, the customers do not help the situation either. That’s beside the point though.
She bought the rug, brought it home, lived with it for a little while, and decided it didn’t go with the colors in her house. She offered it to me, I was wishy washy, and she {and her lovely husband} brought it over to the house to let me see if I would like how it looked. I was pleased and couldn’t pass up the deal.
Since it was so cheap, I haven’t totally freaked out when my husband brings in wood or walks on it with dirty shoes. I have spot cleaned it, and you wouldn’t believe how easy the stains came out. I basically just gave it a squirt of OxyClean and wiped it with a damp rag. Gone! Just like that!
Since we put the rug down, I have become a freak about the floors staying clean. I can’t stand to see tid bits of junk on it. It was harder to see on the brick floor, but trash shines like glitter now that we have this new addition.
The Before {with Christmas décor}:
The After:
Now, we just need to get some new chairs! And figure out what to do with that mantle!