Wednesday, March 27, 2013

House Goal Number Five- Check!

I can’t believe it, but I’ve been doing a superb job in accomplishing these house goals that I set for myself this year. I told myself that if I could at least accomplish one goal a month that I would be satisfied and so far, so good!

We’ve gotten our living room furniture {two couches and side tables}; we’ve gotten rid of the disgusting blue carpet and replaced it with neutral, plush carpet {major accomplishment}; and now we’ve gotten a large rug for the house.

Now I’m going to be completely honest with you. This is not the rug of my dreams or perfect quality, but when it became available it was hard for me to pass it up for $50, especially since it was going in the den where it will get the most traffic and the dirtiest.

You see, my sister bought this rug at the good ole Dirty Chicken {known to most around our town as Dirt Cheap}. If you walked in there, you would understand why we call it the Dirty Chicken. At times, you can find some terrific things, but you have to sort through the gigantic mess that is thrown up on the shelves in a very messy, unorganized fashion. Sadly, the customers do not help the situation either. That’s beside the point though.

She bought the rug, brought it home, lived with it for a little while, and decided it didn’t go with the colors in her house. She offered it to me, I was wishy washy, and she {and her lovely husband} brought it over to the house to let me see if I would like how it looked. I was pleased and couldn’t pass up the deal.

Since it was so cheap, I haven’t totally freaked out when my husband brings in wood or walks on it with dirty shoes. I have spot cleaned it, and you wouldn’t believe how easy the stains came out. I basically just gave it a squirt of OxyClean and wiped it with a damp rag. Gone! Just like that!

Since we put the rug down, I have become a freak about the floors staying clean. I can’t stand to see tid bits of junk on it. It was harder to see on the brick floor, but trash shines like glitter now that we have this new addition.

The Before {with Christmas décor}:


The After:


Now, we just need to get some new chairs! And figure out what to do with that mantle!

Monday, March 25, 2013

Transitioning from Google Reader

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Here’s to hoping that my blog will easily transition from Google Reader to Bloglovin’!

If you didn’t know, Google Reader will be ending soon, so go ahead and find an alternative. So far, I’m liking this choice. It moved all of my blogs that I follow over seamlessly.

Saturday, March 23, 2013

On the Prowl for Inspiration!

The questions are the same from people that I talk to. Do you have a name yet? {Nothing set in stone} Have you decided what you’re going to do for the nursery? {Not yet} Have you gained any weight? {I’m sure I have, but I don’t know how much. I don’t own a scale}

You get the picture though. People probably think something has happened to me since I’m usually on top of things, but this has just been an experience I’ve been soaking in and going with the flow. In my head, I just keep thinking that everything will come together. And it will. In time.

After browsing around Pinterest and a couple of blogs that share my same style, I’ve started to kind of settle in on what I would like to have my little guy come home to. His room is going to be the smallest of the three bedrooms in the house, so I have to keep that in mind when planning. That also makes things a little bit easier in some perspective since that will be less space to have to plan to fill up.

I’m not the kind of gal who just settles in on a particular “theme” for a nursery either. Don’t get me wrong….it’s fine if that’s your thing, but I just want to go with a color scheme and not so much a theme. You’re not going to see any jungle animals, boats, or whatever else little boys like plastered on every square inch of the room. I hope to just mix patterns with the color scheme I plan to go with.

Through the nurseries that I’ve browsed these are some that appealed to me…

Ten June 1

Michelle @ Ten June designed the cutest nursery for her little man. I’ve linked it up on the picture above.

I’ve been thinking navy and white for some time now, but it seemed too bland. That’s what I love about this room. She mixed the navy and white with light blue and yellow with a few accents here and there of other boyish colors.

Whatever I go with must be light and airy, so it will go with the rest of the house {and my style, of course}.

Ten June 2

The idea of using a dresser instead of a changing table makes so much more sense to me. After all, how long are you going to be able to utilize a changing table versus a dresser? I’m thinking long term use here.

And the gingham curtains make me smile from ear to ear!

Ten June 3

And a teacher’s kid’s room would not be complete without books. The idea of a book ledge seems ideal.

Navy Nursery

Three Men and a Girly Girl Blog- Click picture above for sources

Wire Baskets

We are definitely in the market for a white dresser. The laundry hamper is just my style, and I’m sure we’ll have plenty of dirty laundry to go around. What originally drew me to this photo though is the wire basket used to hold the diapers. A note from one of my fellow teachers though….put the cutesy baskets at the head of the child and not the feet. You don’t want things to be sprayed….haha.


The shutters seem like a great way to display your child’s name above the crib. While I’m not sure I would do this project exactly like it is seen here, the idea itself would be a nice addition {especially if I could score a good deal on the shutters}.

Details about this project can be found at Little Bit Nest! Click the picture above.

Pacifier Storage

Source- Project Nursery {click photo}

And if you know my obsession with apothecary jars, this solution for pacifier storage is meant to be!

DIY Project

Source- Project Nursery {click photo}

And what would a nursery be without a DIY project? This would be simple and easy!


Source {click photo}

Shel Silverstein poems framed would also be very fitting {minus the pink matting}.

I guess we’ll just have to see how it all turns out! I’m hoping to come across some great finds, and I’ll let you know about them as I find them. I love a good treasure hunt!

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Doing a 101 List….Again!

Way back in January my 101 List in 1,001 days expired. That was the month that I didn’t care about much other than surviving. Luckily, I did, and I’m ready to make a new list.

I would like to be proud of myself for accomplishing what I did on my last list. After all, I accomplished over half (or at least I think I did) of my goals. Some of the things that were the most fun were the things that cost the least amount of money.

I wish I could say that this list didn’t have a gazillion things on it that didn’t cost a dime, but that would be a flat out lie. After all, a good bit of these goals are house oriented. In the next two and half years {and a little extra}, I would be pleased if I once again accomplished at least half.

Goals drive me to do more and to be proud of myself when I’ve accomplished something. If you know me at all, you know that I have a Type-A-make-a-list-for-everything type personality. I’ve been that way my whole life.

So here it goes!

The list I hope to finish by Thursday, December 17, 2015…………

1. Take a beach trip to 30-A

2. Go to the mountains in the fall
3. Surprise a neighbor with a dessert or craft
4. Make use of Earth day services
5. Promote Colby’s business
6. Start an herb garden
7. Go to Lake Martin for the day
8. Get seating for the living room
9. Paint living room
10. Get lamps for guest bedroom
11. Paint built-in cabinets in den
12. Buy two large rugs for the house {one down, one to go}
13. Remove vertical blinds in bathroom
14. Put curtains in bathroom
15. Take a bubble bath

16. Replace all fans in house
17. Replace bathroom lights
18. Have rocking chair reupholstered
19. Have one piece of art framed & hung
20. Have bathroom mirrors framed
21. Host a party at the Langham farm
22. Get a “real” blog design {great gift idea}
23. Plant a new tree in the backyard
24. Organize an event for church
25. Complete the Samaritan’s Purse project
26. Go to downtown Christmas
27. Do something to the guest bath walls
28. Have a party with friends at the house
29. Paint kitchen cabinets
30. See the Biltmore Estate
31. Plant something in front two flowerbeds
32. Go tubing at Adventures Unlimited
33. Find something to put Colby’s shoes in
34. Buy five gifts from a small business
35. Take Aly to the splash pad
36. Attend a performance by the BCA
37. Stay overnight at the beach
38. Frame my master’s degree
39. Replace blue carpet
40. Get furniture for front porch
41. Go on a nice date with my husband
42. Fly a kite
43. Get another Christmas tree
44. Host Christmas at my house
45. Order new checks
46. Make s’mores
47. Walk at least three days per week for a month
48. Get new glasses
49. Make PW cinnamon rolls
50. Have a baby
51. Decorate a nursery
52. Make frozen hot chocolate
53. Collect more pieces of china/stemware
54. Start fence in backyard
55. Put personal photos around the house
56. Make cinnamon butter
57. Make ranch dressing
58. Replace door knobs in house
59. Buy a new bathing suit
60. Keep the hummingbird feeders filled
61. Go to a local festival
62. Make a pea picking cake
63. Make a video of a trip we go on
64. Make a Christmas movie collection
65. Go to the Copper Possum
66. Add drawers to the pantry
67. Put swing up
68. Go fishing at the farm
69. Kill a deer
70. Have newborn pictures made
71. Send out Christmas cards with the baby on it
72. Send birth announcements
73. Decorate door/mailbox for new baby
74. Get a new wreath {or make}
75. Plant variety in planters
76. Get a new mailbox and post
77. Plant something around mailbox
78. Get a decal for mailbox
79. Have baby christened
80. Spray paint planters
81. Paint coat rack
82. Have a picnic
83. Craft a baby gift
84. Clean out courtyard
85. Build enclosure around AC unit
86. Make homemade chocolate chip cookies
87. Lose pregnancy weight
88. Get a pedicure
89. Visit Judd and Abby
90. Paint doors inside garage
91. Find the baby a caregiver
92. Have a 1st birthday party
93. Go to the beach with another couple
94. Write all thank you notes for baby gifts
95. Bring the baby to church
96. Invite friends to the farm to fish
97. Invite friends over for dinner
98. Attend a baby shower {for me}
99. Get summer maternity clothes
100. Have a 3-D {or 4-D} ultrasound done of the baby
101. Pick out the baby’s name

So that’s my list! Nothing too major. I did find it ironic as I was typing it that I put lose pregnancy weight and make homemade chocolate chip cookies side by side. Haha!

I seriously can’t wait to get this list going. Oh, and I’ll be honest. My list expired in January, and I actually started making this list before then. SO, I didn’t want to change anything, so I’m actually fudging a little bit on the date. My start date is today, but some of the items have already been accomplished this year.

The way I see it….it’s my blog and my list, and I’ll do what I want. So there! Haha!

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

House Goal Number Ten- Complete!

You know how yesterday I reminded you of our house when it was in complete disarray back in January? Yeah….I didn’t even have a lick of energy to care either. Luckily, the living room gained some normalcy, but it wasn’t until the bedroom had the terribly awful blue carpet removed and replaced.

You see, this is what the room looked like before we moved in. It’s a good thing I can see past cosmetic problems and can actually find the potential.


I was beyond excited on the day Colby and one of his friends ripped out the carpet while I was laid up in the bed.


Sorry about the quality of the photo. Once again, little energy was to blame. However, you can already tell that the coat of paint on the wall mellowed out the room.

But then, the carpet man came. My mom checked on things as they installed it, and I signed the papers confirming everything was satisfactory. Thank you, Lowes, for making it so easy on the pregnant chick.

This is the state of the room as of now.


Right now, it’s serving as a guest bedroom/office. The carpet is as plush as I could have asked for and the perfect color. I highly recommend this carpet from Lowe’s. If you’re in the market for carpet, just let me know, and I will provide the info on it.

A big thank you goes out to the following people:

  • My in-laws for giving us the king-size bed. Our guests will be appreciative for sure.
  • My BIL and SIL for the cute little white table. I had no idea what or where I was going to put it, but it serves a great purpose as a printer stand.
  • A dear friend who created the art piece above the television. I have gotten many compliments on it =)

My main goals for this room are:

  • New bedding {quilt, bed skirt, shams, king size pillows, and throw pillows}
  • Curtains
  • Lamps to go on each side of the bed
  • Something functional over the desk
  • A headboard or something to take the place of that
  • New light fixture

It’s going to take years for me to accomplish all of my goals in this house, but I’m willing to be patient to get exactly what I want. After all, it’s all about making a house a home.

Monday, March 18, 2013

House Goal Number One- Complete!

Remember in January when I was under the weather and posted some atrocious photos of the current state of our house? That month had to be one of the best and worst months of the year so far! We officially went to the doctor to confirm our little bundle of joy, but in the same month I was struck with the worst sicknesses I’ve ever experienced!

Luckily, things have made a huge turn around! I’m feeling terrific! The house is clean! Things are getting done, and the warmer weather is bringing out the best in me!

If you missed the one of two posts I made in January {how pathetic, right?}, here’s the state our living room was in.


Good thing no one wanted to enter the premises with all the germs that had invaded our space! This room was scary and definitely did not say welcome to our home! It screamed, “RUN AWAY!”

Other than the fact that I thought I was on my death bed, this room was in the state it was in thanks to the guest bedroom having the ugly blue carpet ripped out of it. Don’t believe me? See the ugly blue strip of carpet? That’s what we were living with. Ugh!

The good news is that we’ve made progress in the bedroom, cleaned the living room out, and ordered our brand new living room furniture that I blogged about back in November.


Still not even close to being a finished room, but a huge improvement!

We opted to go with the Rowe Nantucket slipcovered couches in Champagne, which is more like a nice linen blend. Totally comfortable! Totally easy to clean! No need to deal with the dry cleaners when you can clean them at your own home!

This room still has a long way to go though!


Hopefully, we’ll be knocking out number two on my House Goal List over the next couple of weeks. My goal is before Easter, but I don’t know if it will happen or not. Right now I’m floating between a gray green or a gray blue. We’ll see what happens when I actually go to the paint store.

Hope you all have a great start to your week!

Sunday, March 17, 2013

A Relaxing Kind of Weekend or Two

The past two weekends have been filled with relaxation. Who in the world wouldn’t want to enjoy the gorgeous weather we have been having? When I see mid to high 70s on the ten day forecast, I start planning out an enjoyable weekend. The cold and I do not mix well. Cold weather just forces me back in my hole more commonly known as my home. Warm, sunny weather is just inviting me outside.


With this being our first spring in this house, I have been elated to see the different hues that keep appearing throughout our azalea bushes. It’s been a surprise every time we go outside. The blooms get bigger and more colorful each time.



The best place to find relaxation and not think about all the projects that could be started or finished is not my house though.

It’s this place.


And the best thing to do at the farm is to feed the fish, watch other people fish, read, and swing…..






So, I’m looking forward to spring break and getting the opportunity to spend much more time out there. What can I say? I can’t resist.


I hope you are enjoying the weather as much as we are! Now, I’m just crossing my fingers that the weather will be this terrific during spring break!

Monday, March 11, 2013

Slugs and Snails and Puppy-Dogs’ Tails

That’s what little boys are made of!

I’m so excited about our newest addition, and he hasn’t even made it here yet! It seems like everyone we know that is having babies around the same time we are are all having boys. I feel sure that I have many days ahead of me that include camping out and fishing, and I can’t wait!

Ever since Colby and I have been together, I could see myself having a boy first. When I first found out I was pregnant, I immediately thought “boy”. Then, as it got closer to time, I had multiple dreams that it was going to be a boy and didn’t expect anything else. Everyone always asked my opinion, and I always told them “boy” and that I would be shocked if he turned out to be a she when we got the ultrasound done.

When we first arrived, the girl doing the ultrasound was super sweet and confirmed that we were their to find out what we were having. It didn’t take long to find out either. It was like as soon as she put the thing on my belly, she was able to tell us that we were going to be seeing a lot of blue in our future. He was proud of his business and wasn’t afraid to show it….haha!


Everything became much more real that day! My love for this baby grew ten times stronger, and I can’t wait for the day when I can hold him in my arms. I’m not sure what I’m going to do when he gets here other than love him with my whole heart. I know absolutely nothing about little baby boys. I’m from a family full of basically girls, but I guess it will be a good learning experience!

So, all of you mamas of boys or recent mamas with advice, here’s your time to spill your insight on life with babies! Spill your beans!

Monday, March 4, 2013

What’s Baby Langham?

Colby and I thought from the beginning that we were having a boy, and we couldn’t have been more right! I had three dreams last night that it would be a boy, and that’s the first thing we saw in our ultrasound.

Here’s a little video of what we came home with from the doctor today…

Baby Langham

More details to come tomorrow!

Saturday, March 2, 2013

My Absence Explained

For the first time since I’ve been blogging, I took a little break. It wasn’t intentional, but it was a much needed time to focus on other more important things. Plus, winter gives me the blues. All I want to do is cuddle up with a blanket and pillow on the couch keeping warm by the fire and watch DVR’d episodes of my soaps and favorite television shows that I’ve been too exhausted to stay up and watch.

Why the exhaustion, you ask? This girl is officially 16 weeks pregnant! Due August 10th!


On January 2nd, I had my first doctor’s appointment. At the time, we were trying to keep things on the down-low until I was at 12 weeks along. So much for that! While we were there, I saw like five people from our town….one of those being the mother of one of our very good friends. Needless to say, she was on to us! How many wives bring their husbands along to that kind of doctor without their being a reason associated with being pregnant? We were able to brush it off to all of those who asked, but we knew they weren’t stupid.

Two days later, I was struck with kidney stones….at school. I didn’t know what was happening, but I thought for sure I was dying. The pain was excruciating! So horrible, in fact, that I had no reservations about laying down on the gym bathroom floor. You know you are in trouble when you are able to do something like that. All I knew was that I couldn’t move from that position. Long story short, they had to call Colby at work and my parents at home to come and get me. Going to the emergency room like that meant that the truth had to come out. My parents and the whole world knew from that point on. It’s kind of hard to keep a secret when they put you in the OB hall. Luckily, I passed the stone quickly and was released.

Sickness set in from that point on, and I’m not really talking morning sickness. Sinus infections and horrible headaches. For what little morning sickness I had, I learned how to control it a little better. Nighttime digestion has been quite a problem that I’m still dealing with, but will hopefully get some relief for when I visit the doc again on Monday.

Between work, sickness, and normal day to day activities, I’m completely zapped at the end of the day. Bedtime comes early for this girl. By the time the weekends roll around, I’m completely worthless.

With all that being said though, some major things have taken place around these parts lately in the house department. And we’ll be finding out what baby Langham is this afternoon! Stay tuned for the big announcement!