Tuesday, December 31, 2013

10 House Goals for the New Year

I have been a little out of the loop, but I want to start the year off with a new outlook and get back to doing the thing I love doing...blogging.
It helps me get my creative juices flowing, makes me accountable for goals that I set myself, and allows me to share a piece of myself with others.
This past year was so busy and packed full of exciting moments that I just didn't get a chance to share with everyone. Landry is definitely one of the best things that has ever happened to me. While it can be very exhausting at times, it is the best job I have. Nothing beats that smiling face! Since we have more of a schedule down now, I am thinking I will have a little extra time. Plus, my husband got me a wireless keyboard for my iPad for Christmas, so I can now enjoy blogging when we are out and about.
Obviously, my favorite thing to blog about is our journey in making our house a home. That's why I think it is so fun to make this list.
Since we got a little off track last year, I am going to add in some of the goals that I didn't accomplish.
Here it goes...
Repurpose the living room- more on that later!
Get new bedding for the guest bedroom
Paint the cabinets in the den
Get one new rug for anywhere in the house
Get two new lamps for the guest bedroom
Make a place for Landry's toys in the den
Paint the doors inside the garage- and possibly new hardware
Have rocking chair reupholstered
Paint one of three things {the coffee table, the breakfast table, or the desk}
Plant something in the front flowerbeds

I am hoping to cross at least five things off of that list. I would consider that to be a successful year! After all, you never know what the year may hold.
Do you set yourself goals for your house? If not, think about doing it. Write it down and post it somewhere you can see it.

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Long Time No See

It’s been so long that I don’t even know where to begin. Life is so hectic these days. After working all day, all I want to do is spend time with my sweet baby, do the necessary chores each night, and collapse. Blogging crosses my mind nearly every day, but I just can’t muster up the energy to put together a post that would make any sense at all.

Maybe over this little Thanksgiving break I can catch you up a little. I want to blog so bad, and maybe one day I will get to a point where I can do it more often. Right now though, it’s hit or miss. However, I know I’m not the only one in this stage of life. When I first started blogging and following other bloggers, we were all blogging machines. Now, we are all at the same point in our lives and so are the blogs. Funny how things happen like that!

I really do have so much to share! Ugh! I hate I’m so behind. After all, this is my way of looking back at some wonderful memories.

Since it is Thanksgiving, I thought it was only right to share what I am thankful for, especially since I didn’t participate in the daily posts that everyone on Facebook was doing.

So, here it goes!


The biggest blessing that I have had this year is becoming a mama! My sweet Landry is growing every day, and he is the best thing to wake up to in the morning and the best thing to come home to in the afternoon. He is my heart, and I had no idea how much love I could have for such a wonderful little person.




My husband is my rock. He loves me unconditionally, keeps me strong, helps me make difficult decisions, and is a wonderful father to Landry. He’s definitely my other half that I couldn’t live without. He is an amazing provider and works so hard to make sure Landry and I have all that we want. For him, I am very thankful!



I am thankful for family. Between my family and Colby’s, we have more than enough family to go around and more than enough people to love us and Landry.



I am thankful for my job and all the craziness that comes with it. Seeing my kids learn, enjoy learning, and having fun are just a few of the blessings that come with it. Having this job also supplies us with an income and built in time off to spend with my baby. It’s more than many have and for that I am most thankful.


A home of our own.

It’s more than I thought I would ever have by the age of 25. It’s a forever home that I look forward to making memories in, renovating to make it fit us better, and just enjoying.


And now the list will go by fast….


Zeb. A friend. A constant barker. A protector. A fast runner. A future pal to Landry.



Sweet potato pies. Oh how I love making the sweet potato pies that was the recipe of my Paw Paw’s. It’s like we have a little bit of him with us every time we take a bite.


Nice neighbors. It’s nice to know you have neighbors that look out for you, your home, and are truly nice people. It’s been a nice change from before.


Friends. They have been so kind to us this past year as we prepared for Landry. They blessed us with an unimaginable amount of gifts that we are truly grateful for. I know our baby will have lots of people to look out for him as he grows up.


Wonderful nurses. I’ve been in the hospital more than I would like this year. Luckily, I have had the MOST AMAZING NURSES!!! To be specific, I’m thankful for my nurses at DWM…Jessica, Heather, Tiffany, and Kathy; I’m also thankful for my wonderful delivery nurses Jeana & Jeanette! YOU GUYS ARE AWESOME!


A small town. I love our town and all of the lovely changes that are being made to make it a town that people will take pride in again. Support your small businesses, people! They’re what keep this town going. Attend events around town, so they will continue to be done!


Changing leaves. The colors are gorgeous! God’s wonderful creation right before our eyes.


Colby’s lawn business and all of his loyal customers! We appreciate your business. It’s a great provided for our family.


Christmas movies. Ahhh….I just can’t wait for a little of the Griswalds and the Grinch. Christmas classics at their best.


My phone. It lets me capture those special moments wherever I am!



Little Einsteins =) I can now cook supper at night thanks to them!


Blogging {even though I’m struggling with that right now}. It’s my creative outlet that allows me to share things with you all and receive encouragement when I need it most. Thanks!






Last but certainly not least, I am thankful for our faith. What would the holidays be if we didn’t thank the One that has provided us with all of these wonderful blessings? Be sure to thank the Lord for all he has done for you and not just turn to him when times get tough.

I hope each and every one of you have a wonderful Thanksgiving and express how thankful you are for all of the blessings in your life! I stopped at twenty because I feel sure someone is moving around in this crib, but I am blessed far beyond this list.

From our family to yours, HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!!

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Noticed anything?

Yep! I’ve been MIA. Teacher, Wife, Mama, Maid, and Chef are currently my titles, and those are just the ones I’m claiming. Wearing so many hats is exhausting. Add in morning duty at school and this chick was ready to throw in the towel.

I swear I have yet to catch up at work. There’s so much to do and not enough time in the day to get it all done. Same story at home. We’re getting the swing of things though….slowly but surely.

Since I’ve blogged last, we’ve been to Auburn to visit Judd and Abby. That trip was a success. Landry was an awesome little traveler.


We also went to Art in the Park yesterday, which was a nice little family outing. Fall weather + strolling in the park + Amazing art = One happy mama! If you missed that, then you missed out! Seriously….I should have brought way more money. So many talented people in our small town! Maybe next year even more people will get involved.

For now though, I scored a great watercolor by the late Louis Garrett, which will find a home in my kitchen once framed, as well as two lovely pottery bowls by Jim Gay. I love our little small town and all of its efforts to promote all of its beauty and uniqueness.

Anyhow….Landry is now two months old. He’s definitely more awake and active and developing the sweetest little personality. He loves to be close to his mama in the afternoons, and after a long day of work I’m happy to cuddle with him. It makes preparing supper a little more difficult, but hopefully the sling I’m about to order will make things a little bit easier. He’ll be able to cuddle, and I’ll be able to get a thing or two done.


I know this post is pretty much all over the place and full of worthless information. Maybe I’ll eventually be back to normal blogging, but I’m beginning to wonder if that’s ever going to happen. Hang in there! I hope to be back one day with some house updates, crafting ideas, or decorating ideas.


one day….

Saturday, September 28, 2013

I Survived

This week was my first week back to work, and seeing as how I’m typing this post it appears that I have survived. The first few days wore me slap out, but by the end of the week I felt like I was getting a better handle on things. Last weekend, I had the stomach virus, and I still wasn’t feeling too hot on Monday and definitely didn’t feel good on Monday night as I had a small relapse. Luckily though,  it seems that I’m finally over it! When you pair recovering from the stomach virus and no sleep on another, it takes a toll on you.


What makes it all better though is getting a text from your husband that said he had cleaned the house! Seriously….day made! He heard my pleas and frustration of not being able to get it all done, and he took care of business without me asking him to do it! Best husband ever!

I really can’t believe that I’ve only posted five times {now six} this entire month! Can you believe we are just days away from October?!?! Life has just been so busy, and when it wasn’t I was enjoying every minute I could at home with my baby.


Now that it is fall, I have so many projects I want to complete, but I’m just wondering if I’m going to be able to find time to do them.

I’ve been wanting to make these ghosts to go on the porch…


and these door hangers for my front doors for the fall season….


or these for the Halloween season….

candy corn


and make my dining room table look totally awesome….

and my mantle needs a little fall makeover….

but I’m just not sure if all of these projects are going to get priority this year.

However, the husband is working on a project for me right now. Yay for that!

Maybe I’ll be back soon to share it with you. Here’s a hint….

This is my inspiration photo.


Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Life as We Know It

To most people, our days around here would be boring, but to me these days I’ve had with Landry have been perfect. We don’t do that much. We sleep and eat and sleep some more. At some point late into the morning I find the energy and opportunity to shower and make myself look somewhat decent. Then, it’s time to eat and sleep some more or bounce or swing while I try to accomplish something to make me feel productive that day. We cuddle. I talk to him while he stares, makes faces, and occasionally smiles. It’s these moments that I’m soaking in.

We don’t go anywhere, unless it is to the bank or the doctor. We like staying at home. It’s just so much work to get packed to go someplace. I wouldn’t have it any other way though.


Usually, a grandparent or two will drop in to see us. I say us….really I mean him. We all know they come to see the grandbaby.

We love greeting Daddy in the evenings and spending time with him. It’s our family time. We take advantage of whatever we get since Daddy’s work schedule keeps him away from us more than any of us would like. We’re grateful for work though.

The weekends that we have with Daddy are special, too. This summer I was fat and pregnant, and Colby was working constantly {including holidays and weekends}. That meant we didn’t go anywhere or do anything….literally. We stayed home almost the entire summer.

Needless to say, we have enjoyed my time off. It’s been long awaited and has been great for building our relationship and learning what it is to be a family now. It’s meant spending lots of time with baby and way more time with Daddy. We’ve ventured out twice alone as a family of three, and we’re attempting a bigger trip this weekend to see the BIL and SIL. It’s our last hurrah before I go back to work and adjust to a new normal that will consist of less time with baby and Daddy. Major bummer!

Next week, I will be preparing myself for coming back to work, getting things organized to hopefully have a smoother start back to work, going to doctor appointments, and going to church for the first time since little bit has been born. I know everyone thinks we’ve fallen off the face of the earth, but I’ve found it to be extremely difficult to get us up and going. With me starting work, it’s pushing us into a busier life full of early mornings where we actually have to get up and get dressed versus getting up and going back to bed. I can’t say I’m looking forward to it. I would rather stay in my PJs and cuddle with my baby, but that’s not how life goes {at least not for us}.

Since Landry, our life has changed in a big way. It’s been a big change, but a better change. We’re still struggling to adjust, and it’s going to be another big adjustment next week. We’re still trying to figure out how to juggle everything that has to be done here, spend time together as a couple, and try to keep those around us happy as well. We’re not there yet, but we will be. Be patient with us. We’re still learning, too.

Pray for me. I’ve got to come out of my hole {aka my house} and leave my baby. It’s not going to be easy, but with your prayers I’ll make it through just like every other working mama out there.

Friday, September 6, 2013

Five on Friday


I went to my first consignment sale yesterday, and it was awesome. My little guy scored some adorable cool weather outfits, smocked and appliqued outfits, books, bibs, shoes, and a fire truck embroidered hat. I’ve been so stupid to buy so much stuff brand new. I’ve learned my lesson though, and I’ll be buying a lot of stuff through consignment from now on.

P.S. Cute boy stuff is so hard to find. Of course, I’m pretty picky as to what he’ll wear, too.



Looking for some football craft inspiration? I found a great post this week that had lots of cute ideas at Ten June. She even found some cute printables for your favorite team that can be used for tailgating or a football party. Oh, how I love that!



Loved & Lovely came up with a great idea to have an Instagram Party. Seeing as how I love seeing other people’s homes, I’m thinking I’m going to participate, too. All you have to do is take these pictures on the following dates, post them to instagram, and use the hashtag #lovedandlovelyparty.

September 9th: Living Room

September 10th: Kitchen

September 11th: Master Bedroom

September 12th: Dining Room

September 13th: Kids Room/ Game Room/ Bathroom/ Guest Room/ Other

And it doesn’t matter how finished or unfinished the room is! Give it a try! I’d love to see your homes! If you want to follow me on Instagram, find me at brennab52.



We had a great one month appointment yesterday. Landry gained a whole pound in two weeks! My boy is getting so big! His heel stick from his last appointment came back clear, so I have a healthy, growing baby boy!


I’m two weeks away from going back to work. Yesterday was my first time leaving him for several hours, and I did fine. I’m hoping me going back to work and leaving him will go just as good. Cross your fingers!

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

September Already!

When I found out in January that I was pregnant, it seemed like it was going to be forever until August arrived. Surprisingly, time flew by before I knew it. And now, it’s September! I’m going to have a one month old baby tomorrow! This past month has raced by even quicker. I’ve still got a little over two weeks before I go back to work, and I’m begging that time slow down.

Landry goes to the doctor tomorrow, so we will find out just how much he has grown. I’m interested to see. He’s still a tiny tot, but I can tell he’s getting much bigger. We will be breaking out the one month onesie tomorrow {thanks, Kate and Erin!} to grab a few photos.


I’m hitting up the Lullabies and Mudpies sale tomorrow, and I can’t wait to see what kind of goods I can score for cheap! I’m hoping to find some nice outfits for the holidays, events that we might go to, and church.

Speaking of deals….did y’all take advantage of the awesome deals this past weekend? Loft had a 60% off sale! I’m hoping that what I ordered will fit, but returns and exchanges are easy to make. I would rather take a chance and take advantage of the deals. Landry got some outfits from Carter’s, too, since they were having a 50% off sale. Remember to use those online coupon codes, ladies! I searched for one and got an additional 25% off. You can’t beat that!


Here’s a tip for new moms:

Sign up for Snapfish and Shutterfly emails! And take advantage of those coupons in your diapers for Shutterfly! I have so many $20 off coupons that it is crazy! I’ve also gotten a photo book for free {that was all about the day of his birth}, and I have several emails for some more. You’re going to pay the shipping, but it’s better than paying for the product and shipping. Plus, free prints or penny prints are totally worth taking advantage of.

Be back tomorrow with a one month update!

Saturday, August 31, 2013

Things I’ve Learned in August

I’ve seen several posts over the past couple of days of people linking up at Chatting at the Sky of things they’ve learned this month. Seeing as how life around here is revolving around a cute little boy, I figured I could jump on the bandwagon, so I would actually have something to blog about.

To be honest, I have several things to blog about, but I can’t seem to muster up the time or energy to apply towards doing it. Maybe this week will be better in the blogging business!

So, here’s five things I’ve learned in August…


Childbirth is not as bad as it seems {but I wouldn’t want to do it without an epidural}.



I love staying at home with my baby. I’m wondering how in the world I’m going to go back to work in three weeks. We’ve just established a new normal, and in three weeks we’ll be starting over again. I’m not looking forward to it, but I’m sure going back to work will be good for me {maybe}.



DeAnna Lambeth is an excellent photographer. She took all of the photos that I’m putting in this post…because I know that’s all you want to see. Right? Oh, you want to see house projects and crafts, too? Maybe soon. I’ve got a few ideas up my sleeve.



Being at home makes me see five gazillion things that I want to do around here. After browsing Pinterest and actually having time to read some other blogs, I could reno my whole house. Pinterest could make me go broke.



Baby eczema stinks big time! This mama is doing all she can to get it under control and can’t wait until we go to the doctor next week. Any suggestions that maybe I’m not doing to help with it?


Thursday, August 22, 2013

Baby Goodness

Baby Parts

I saw an idea on Pinterest that led to this collage to remember all of those precious little parts.

I love the way it turned out!

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Back to School…but not for me!

This week was the first official week of school for students. Instead of running around like a crazy lady and juggling tons of paperwork, I’ve been cuddling Landry for all it’s worth. He’s such a good baby, and he makes my job super easy. Seriously though? Who could resist those sweet baby sugars? I certainly can’t.


I hate that I’m not getting to meet my students and learn all about them from the start of the year, but I wouldn’t trade this time with my little man for nothing in this world. It’s hard to believe that he’s already two weeks old! I told Colby the other night that I enjoy him being so little and getting to cuddle him and all of his baby goodness, but I do look forward to the day when he can tell me he loves me. My heart will melt. No worries though! I’m not trying to speed up time. I’m soaking in all of his littleness, cuddles, and just pure sweetness.


Since nothing is really going on around here other than eating baby sugars, I’m sharing some random things that are floating around in my head lately…

  • Landry had his two week checkup on Monday, and he’s back up to his birth weight. He’s getting to be such a big boy and is taking 3 oz. at every feeding. They had to stick his heel, which wasn’t fun for either of us, and we will find out the results from that in two weeks.


  • I had my two week checkup yesterday, and I’m happy to say that I’m 3 pounds away from my goal weight. Woohoo!!! Ive already lost over 20 pounds! ’That definitely made me feel better and put a smile on my face. Little bit got all kinds of compliments on his complete head of hair. He came out needing a hair cut! Haha! His hair is over his ears. It’s crazy!


  • I’m so excited about fall coming that I can hardly contain myself. I enjoy the time that is the end of summer and beginning of fall. Cooler evenings scream my name! Have you seen some fall inspiration on Pinterest lately? I have!

burlap pumpkin

  • Alabama football starts in less than two weeks! Can’t wait! I think I need to get a onesie appliqued for Landry to wear on game days. I saw one the other day that I thought was so stinking cute!

al onesie

  • I’m in desperate need of some new clothes! Otherwise, I’ll have nothing for when I do have to go back to work next month. It’s so hard to buy clothes though for these in between months.
  • We go to get his newborn pictures made on Saturday. I’ve been collecting tons of ideas and will be gathering some things from around the house to take with us to make the pictures more personal to us. These are a few of the inspiration photos I’m bringing with us. Does anyone have an old mailbox like the one you see below? If you do and would let us borrow it, let me know!

Newborn Photos

  • I saw this on Pinterest, and it sums up how I feel about my home.


I hope you all are having a terrific week! Teacher friends, I’ve been thinking of you and will be seeing you all soon enough.

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Landry’s Birth Story: Part III

We were so proud of our new little boy, and we couldn’t wait for the family to meet him and finally reveal his name.

I made a banner that I was originally just going to hang on the mantle in our house, but it ended up doing double duty. Our sweet nurse, Jeana, helped Colby string it up behind my hospital bed. IMG_5406

That would be one of those Pinterest projects that was on my list.

There was so much going on during that time that I decided to just compile everything into a video for everyone to see. I hope you enjoy it!

I love this little boy more than he will ever know, and I’m dreading having to leave him to go back to work. I’m soaking up every moment I have with him over the next six weeks. Can you blame me? He’s such a good, sweet baby, and he’s made my job pretty easy. He loves his mama for sure.

I’m blowing up Instagram with videos and pictures of him. Forgive me. My goal is to make one of those mini books from Instagram photos.

The little guy is coming to life again, so I’m off to be mommy!

Monday, August 12, 2013

Landry’s Birth Story: Part II

This is a continuation of Landry’s Birth Story that you can find here.

I was so glad to hear that I could finally have that epidural, but was completely shocked that it was happening so fast. I don’t think anyone expected things to move that quickly for me, especially since he was my first baby.

Y’all, the epidural is the way to go! It was not bad at all {especially compared to what was in my head}. Colby stood in front of me while it was all being done, along with my nurses. It was almost immediate relief. You know it’s good when the nurses tell you that you’re having a contraction, you have no idea, and tell them that you feel great! I couldn’t feel a thing!

The family arrived shortly after and began filing in. Before long, it was time to be checked again, and they politely waited in the waiting room. The mothers came back in, but it wasn’t long before it was time to be checked again, and everyone wasn’t allowed back in until the whole thing was over. That was because it was time to deliver a baby! The bed was broken down, things were situated where they needed to be, and we were having a baby….like then!


Around 11:45, I started pushing. This is especially where those terrific nurses come in! I wasn’t scared the whole time. They were the best coaches you could ask for! I seriously can’t believe it was an hour and a half later when I delivered because it seemed like time was flying by.

A funny moment was when I first started pushing. Colby was in charge of holding one of my legs and helping count as I pushed. When the first contraction was over, Colby let go of my leg not knowing that I didn’t have any control over it. Luckily, I couldn’t feel a thing! Needless to say, he held on to it and set it down carefully from that point on.

We finally got to a point where Dr. Lee was called in to deliver our baby! After being mauled by the paparazzi {aka the family} in the hall, he made it to me, and things got serious.


I pushed so hard that it started to make me gag {if you know me well, you know I have terrible gag reflexes}. Apparently, that was a good thing because I was encouraged to continue…..and I did!

After having my eyes closed through the entire thing, I heard the doctor telling Colby to look at that. I wasn’t even sure I had had him until I heard that cry. That was just the sweetest sound I had ever heard! My sweet baby was finally here!



The doctor put him up on top of me and let Colby cut the umbilical cord. When it was time to deliver the placenta, Colby got a short lesson on how to do so….the life of a firefighter.


I had a healthy baby boy at 1:14 p.m. on August 5, 2013 that was 6 lbs. 8 oz. and 19 3/4” long.

Right after I delivered, I got the shakes so bad. Luckily, it didn’t last very long, and I was able to hold my baby.

IMG_5346 IMG_5354

Then, it was time to let the family back.…and to reveal his name to them!

Part III Coming Soon! And I’m working on a video compiling all of the photos made during this time! Keep a look out!

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Landry’s Birth Story: Part I

Hello, everyone! We’re still here! We’ve been very busy though since we’ve gotten home, so there hasn’t been much time for blogging. However, I’m going to try my best to make time today and tomorrow before I forget all of these sweet moments that I already feel are flying by way too quickly. Seriously….he’s going to be a week old tomorrow. Has anyone found a way to rewind time yet? All I want to do is hold him and soak up all of the sweetness in that little body of his.

I’m going to try to break this up into parts since a) I have limited time slots to blog in b) this may take a while to work on c) I want to remember as much of this as I can and share it with you even though it is mostly for my sake.

So, here it goes…

As most of you know from my post that Sunday, I was beyond nervous about being induced. It seemed that time was slowly dragging by that day. The unknown about delivering and being induced scared the daylights out of me. I worked on those last minute things that entire day, and I was in no hurry to do any of them. I just wanted the time to finally be here!

I cleaned the last few things in the house. I went to the grocery store and got some things to eat that I thought would be easy on the stomach. I talked very little to anyone for the fear of breaking down into a million pieces. That night I began to get the last few things together that had to go with us to the hospital, take a bath, and get ready for a long night ahead. I was already exhausted {emotionally and physically} before we even got there. I melted down right before getting myself ready. I just couldn’t hold it in any longer. Then, I gathered myself and we headed out for the hospital around 10:45 p.m.

We didn’t have to be there until 11:45, but we took the drive slow and steady….soaking up those last few moments as a family of two. After a stop at the gas station for Colby a quick power snack, we arrived at the hospital right on time. We checked in, got all of the paperwork in order, and were given our instructions on where to go…..up to the 3rd floor in the Labor & Delivery Hall.

After being directed in the right direction and being led to our room, the nurse handed me a gown, paperwork, and of course a cup for a urine sample {they can never have enough of those, right?}. Colby went down to gather our bags that looked like we had loaded up the truck and moved to Beverly. Then, things started to get real.

They hooked me up to a ton of machines, “checked me”, inserted a Cyotec, and wished me a good night’s sleep….as if! At this point, I was a 1 and 75% effaced. Geez, Louise! At this point, I figured I was probably going to be in labor a while. The contractions were definitely there and were back to back, but weren’t terribly strong.

Shortly after they had me hooked up to the monitors, I could tell that the heart beat wasn’t exactly what it was when they first had hooked me up. Then, I started to worry when I saw numbers in the 70s on the machine. His heartbeat was dropping, so the nurses came in to see what the issue was. The little guy was alright. It just meant mom had to lay on her side for the rest of the night. Not such an easy thing to do when you’re hooked up to all of those machines!

At some point, they came back around later, “checked me” {I was about 80% effaced}, and gave me another Cyotec. Now, it was waiting time until 6 a.m. That’s when the doctor was coming. During this time, my contractions had really picked up.

Dr. Lee came in a few minutes after six, “checked me” again {I was between a 1 and 2}, and broke my water. Talk about weird feeling! I felt like a dog laying there in all of that wetness with all of those pads to soak it up. On top of that, it was time for a shift swap in nurses. Little did I know that I would be blessed with the best nurses a girl could ask for!

Jeana and Jeanette were the lovely ladies that would coach me through the rest of the day, keep me comfortable, and make me feel like everything was under control. I’ve probably told Colby 1000 times how much I appreciated them and how wonderful they were to me.

After my water was broken, the contractions picked up quickly, and I quickly asked for the meds that would take the edge off until it was time for an epidural. At this point, I felt like I was going to tear the bed rail off and was praying to the good Lord that an epidural was in my near future. The Lord answered my prayer, and I was ready to have that epidural when she checked me the next time before my next dose.

Progress was being made! The families were getting their calls to be on their way.

Sunday, August 4, 2013

The Nursery

Well, I’m not anxiously waiting until time to leave to go to the hospital. I probably should be getting a nap, but I’m just not feeling it. I’ve got to get the toiletries {last minute ones} together, but I figured I’d get one last shower here before time to leave and go in.

I promised a nursery post, and I tried to get some pictures today. We still haven’t hung the frames over his crib, but it is still on the to-do list for tonight. When you see the crib, just imagine three white matted frames hung straight across above it.

So here it goes….





The Nursery






I’ll try to give some details later about where things are from and such. If you have any questions about something particular though, just ask. I’d be glad to pass the info along.

Everyone include us in your prayers tonight. I’m hoping everything goes smoothly and fairly quickly, but you never know. Thank you all for support throughout this whole pregnancy! I can’t wait to introduce you to the new occupant of this room made especially for him.