This is a continuation of Landry’s Birth Story that you can find here.
I was so glad to hear that I could finally have that epidural, but was completely shocked that it was happening so fast. I don’t think anyone expected things to move that quickly for me, especially since he was my first baby.
Y’all, the epidural is the way to go! It was not bad at all {especially compared to what was in my head}. Colby stood in front of me while it was all being done, along with my nurses. It was almost immediate relief. You know it’s good when the nurses tell you that you’re having a contraction, you have no idea, and tell them that you feel great! I couldn’t feel a thing!
The family arrived shortly after and began filing in. Before long, it was time to be checked again, and they politely waited in the waiting room. The mothers came back in, but it wasn’t long before it was time to be checked again, and everyone wasn’t allowed back in until the whole thing was over. That was because it was time to deliver a baby! The bed was broken down, things were situated where they needed to be, and we were having a baby….like then!
Around 11:45, I started pushing. This is especially where those terrific nurses come in! I wasn’t scared the whole time. They were the best coaches you could ask for! I seriously can’t believe it was an hour and a half later when I delivered because it seemed like time was flying by.
A funny moment was when I first started pushing. Colby was in charge of holding one of my legs and helping count as I pushed. When the first contraction was over, Colby let go of my leg not knowing that I didn’t have any control over it. Luckily, I couldn’t feel a thing! Needless to say, he held on to it and set it down carefully from that point on.
We finally got to a point where Dr. Lee was called in to deliver our baby! After being mauled by the paparazzi {aka the family} in the hall, he made it to me, and things got serious.
I pushed so hard that it started to make me gag {if you know me well, you know I have terrible gag reflexes}. Apparently, that was a good thing because I was encouraged to continue…..and I did!
After having my eyes closed through the entire thing, I heard the doctor telling Colby to look at that. I wasn’t even sure I had had him until I heard that cry. That was just the sweetest sound I had ever heard! My sweet baby was finally here!
The doctor put him up on top of me and let Colby cut the umbilical cord. When it was time to deliver the placenta, Colby got a short lesson on how to do so….the life of a firefighter.
I had a healthy baby boy at 1:14 p.m. on August 5, 2013 that was 6 lbs. 8 oz. and 19 3/4” long.
Right after I delivered, I got the shakes so bad. Luckily, it didn’t last very long, and I was able to hold my baby.
Then, it was time to let the family back.…and to reveal his name to them!
Part III Coming Soon! And I’m working on a video compiling all of the photos made during this time! Keep a look out!
So far, your birth is mimicking mine pretty closely with a few exceptions (I was in labor A LOT longer...jealous of you for that, and the whole episiotomy thing). Isn't it funny that we both got the shakes?? Seriously, no one told me about that!!! Can't wait for part III!!! Oh and FYI, I think you meant to put a link to the first part of the story in the first sentence, but it isn't linked.
DeleteI reread your birth story before I went in to be induced. I was grateful that things went so quickly and that I didn't tear or anything. Recovery has been very easy for me. And thanks for noticing the lack of a link! Mommy brain has me slacking =) I'm quite jealous of you getting to stay home with Carter! I would love to be able to at least enjoy his first year with him. The U.S. should be like Canada and give you a year of maternity!
Love this. I have an almost identical picture of Wyatt with Dr. Lee. So sweet! I too was lucky and had an extremely short labor with my first, and only had 15 min of pushing!!