We have officially wrapped up the Christmas season after spending a fun-filled {and jam-packed} time with our family and friends. It was my first Christmas with my husband {as a married couple, of course}.
I don’t think I could have asked for a better Christmas though. It was simply amazing and a memory-filled one, as well. Like I said, we were busy for four days straight visiting with family {and friends} and exchanging gifts.
On Wednesday, we participated in our annual church fellowship which began with a readers’ theatre and the last advent reading. This led to fellowship and eating of the delicious baked foods brought by the church members, and it all ended with a nice, friendly game to exchange presents.
On Thursday, it was in order for us to visit my parents’ home for quite possibly our last Christmas celebration in that house. I went out a little bit earlier to spend some time with my niece {often known to many around me as ‘Sis’}.
This called for some spreading of reindeer food to make sure that Santa’s reindeer would be fed to their fullest with a few oats.
We opened presents, and I immediately fell in love with my new wool coat and scarf!
On Christmas Eve, we joined my dad’s side of the family in the celebration of the Christmas season!
This same day later turned into Christmas with Colby’s family.
Two of the cutest little girls stopped by with their mama and cousin Cade. The big news this Christmas is that they’re engaged, and we can’t wait for all of them to be part of the family!!!
Unfortunately, that’s the only photo that turned out from that night, so you’ll just have to take my word on it that we had a terrific time and that everyone was extremely generous!
On Christmas day, my husband had to work at PCFD, so he was absent from all of the festivities at my grandmother’s. None the less, it was a great end to the holiday season.

The other photo-capturer of the family.
My beautiful grandmother.
I feel I must explain all of the red shirts that made us look like we are a really {extra} festive family. Earlier that day, we took a family photo, and we were all instructed to wear red. Ok. Glad I explained that.
Now to explain this. On this side of the family, people like to play jokes on others or do things to them when they don’t know it to be funny.
See Exhibit A:
Bows were added to poor Cousin since she fell asleep while all kinds of commotion is going on around her.
Exhibit B is the fact that I took a picture of her and posted it to the blog. Sorry! {Note to cousin: You did ask to be on the blog =)}
I ended the night by kicking my feet up {while keeping warm in my new fuzzy jammies} and catching up on the latest issue of Southern Living while enjoying the last night of my Christmas tree.
Seriously, I hope you all had an amazing Christmas!
I’m going to continue to enjoy the rest of my break from school. It’s the perk of being a teacher.
Peace out!