As in my computer! It’s on the brink of death, but I continue to nurse it back to health each day. The truth is that this computer has seen better days and clearly needs to be replaced. I’ve been shopping around for something that’s budget friendly and will serve the purpose of which I use it….making stuff for school, blogging, and organizing my photos. Seriously, I really don’t need a fancy schmancy computer….just something to get the job done. Maybe by the end of the week I will have a replacement =)
So, that’s my excuse. I hate bringing my computer back to life day in and day out. On that note, prepare for this post to be all over the place. It’s one of those “what’s been happening around here” type posts.
{Baby News}
I went to the doctor last Thursday. Everything was fine as usual. I can tell that things are starting to get closer to time since some of the more serious questions are getting asked. I’m nervous, excited, and ready to have this kid all at once!
I gained three more pounds, so that puts me at 17 pounds. Since my first weigh-in was not what I usually weigh since I had been so sick, I’m counting it as 15 pounds. Two pounds difference makes me feel better.
I go next week for my first appointment to get “checked”, and I’m NOT looking forward to that. It’s hard to believe that I will be 36 weeks at that appointment. This pregnancy has flown by! I am interested to know if there is any progress being made in that department though. His questions made me think that maybe he suspected there would be, but maybe I was just reading too much into it. I should have asked more questions, but I was so shocked I got in to my appointment on time and not an hour or more later that I was just pumped to be back there and get out in a timely manner. Lesson learned.
In more fun news, I ordered his little going home outfit. It will have his initial and first name on it. I figured that would only be fitting since we will be revealing his name =) For those of you wondering, no one has guessed it yet.
Another fun note is that I have another shower this weekend! It’s like an ice cream social theme, and I do love ice cream! Whoop whoop!
{Furniture Shopping}
Before the doctor, my mom and I went to Alyssa’s Antique Depot in Pace, Florida. That’s the first time I have been, and I am in love. If you want some good deals on furniture or odds and ends to accessorize with, you need to make a stop in there. I was in the market for a dresser for the baby’s room.
Choice Number One:
Choice Number Two:
The first choice would be better in the long run. I’m just not sure how the color would work in the room. If we went with this one, I would want to try it out in the room, and if I didn’t like it then it would get a white paint overhaul. It also wouldn’t require the room to be rearranged.
The second choice is the right color, has the setup of what we need, but it would require rearranging the room to make it work. I guess I will just have to see, and I might even find a better option next time.
{Dog News}
This week last year we were getting Zeb. Can you believe how much he has grown in a year? He went from a little fur ball to a lion! While he makes me want to scream sometimes, he good company, especially when Colby’s gone. He’s calmed down quite a bit in the past six months, and his mother is very grateful to be able to say that. We still have a ways to go, but I’m hoping the pattern will continue in the next few months.
{Recipe of the Week}
Hello, Mexican Pizza! I love you at Taco Bell, and I really love you at home. It’s easy to make, too!
Ingredients needed:
- 10” flour tortillas
- 1 lb. ground beef
- 1 taco seasoning pack
- 1 can of refried beans
- Shredded Monterrey Jack cheese
- Shredded cheddar cheese
- 3 roma tomatoes
- Green onions {enough to put on top}
- Jalepeno slices
Heat your oven to 350 degrees. Spray two glass pie plates {this makes two pizzas} with cooking spray. Put your first flour tortilla in the bottom of each pan. Split the can of refried beans in half and put on top of the tortillas.
Brown your ground beef. After it is cooked, drain and follow the directions on the taco seasoning pack. Once the meat is properly seasoned, half the mixture and put on top of the beans in each pie plate. Add your next flour tortilla. Cook in the oven for 5 minutes.
Remove from the oven and add the following ingredients to the pizzas. Remember to half the remaining ingredients, so you will have some for each pizza. Add to the top of each pizza. Put back in the oven for 5 minutes.
Take out of the oven and enjoy!
{And If You’re Having a Rough Day….}
Go to the Tom Thumb and get an Icee! It’s 89 cents for a giant one! You just can’t beat that!
Hope you have a great week!