Sunday, January 13, 2013

Fruit Basket Turnover

I would say that’s the perfect way to describe what is going on in our house right now. As a matter of fact, the same thing is happening with my ALL of my in-laws. Remember that list of goals I made? It’d be pretty hard not to seeing as how that’s the last post I’ve made. I’ve been pretty pathetic here in the blog world lately, but life’s been throwing me some curve balls. Hopefully, I’m on the road to feeling better. The good news is that lots of progress has been going on around the house lately although if you walked in my house you might disagree.

I wouldn’t blame you. Want me to make you feel better about your house? Just look at what I’m living with in the mean time.




See what I meant when I described our house as a fruit basket turnover? We have carpet going in the bedroom that you see up top. The boys moved all of the furniture and ripped out the carpet, which has left me with this mess. (Of course, I’m grateful for all of their hard work though.)

Quite frankly, I’m not sure what’s going to happen with all of this furniture because our in-laws are giving us a king size bed to go in the bedroom since my BIL and SIL are moving into the tailgate house in Auburn that my in-laws own.

That’s right. A whole house of furniture is coming out of the tailgate house, and a whole house of other furniture is going to squeeze in. You people might see a pretty good yard sale happening in the future. Between the three households, we might have plenty to get rid of. If it happens, you guys will be the first to know and possibly see a preview.

In other news, the last picture that shows my living room filled with my junk will be filled with living room furniture very soon. It has officially been ordered, and we’re just playing the waiting game. If the carpet doesn’t get here pretty soon, I see a king size bed being placed in there as well.

I know this is normal for a period of time when renovations are taking place, but this might just drive me crazy before the reno is over.

Let’s pray that carpet installer calls early.