Friday, June 11, 2010

Our Honeymoon- Part VI

On the last whole day that we spent in South Carolina, we decided to go enjoy the beach, especially since ours are now going to be ruined by oil {that’s a whole other complaint though}.

It was apparently your standard Atlantic beach. I wasn’t too happy with it though. I wanted my white sand that you sink yours toes into. I wanted lots of shells everywhere to find in the water. I wanted sunshine.


Instead, I got sand that felt like mud. I found the few seashells that were very sparse. I found cloudy skies that looked like they were going to bring in a thunderstorm. Not my idea of a beach day.


Oh. I forgot to mention. There were no people. Just Colby and myself. We parked our chairs where we pleased. Craziness I tell you!


I did go looking for shells though. I figured my niece would enjoy them. She hasn’t ever really seen shells like these. I was happy to find some that were a pretty good size and that were still whole.


This is what else we discovered. A giant jellyfish. Glad I didn’t decide to swim in the water.


I didn’t even know what this was until Colby told me. It’s a horseshoe crab. Evidently, people have to flip these things over when they get washed up on the beach. Otherwise, they will die. Unfortunately, this one was already dead.

Want proof that this beach is way different than our nice beaches on the Gulf?


These people were riding bikes down the middle of the beach.

Hope you enjoyed the honeymoon posts!



1 comment:

  1. one huge jelly fish..i didn't know there was such thing as a horseshoe crab..crazy whats out in the doesn't seem to be anything like our beaches but nice to know you can enjoy a bike ride beside the waters right?
