Throughout the entire pregnancy, I’ve given an update here and there, but I figured I would start giving a weekly update since I’m getting closer to the end.
{How far along}
33 weeks….and yes, I am providing a picture! Surprise! Ignore my bare feet! I’m at home, so the shoes come off.
{Total Weight Gain}
14 pounds as of my last doctor’s appointment, although I’m sure I’ve put on some more since then
{Stretch Marks}
None yet! I’m hoping it will stay that way, too.
Surprisingly, not so bad! I get up a few times a night to use the bathroom, but I can typically go right back to sleep. The good news is that I don’t have to get up to go to work, so I can makeup for any lost sleep by sleeping in.
{Best Moment This Week}
Getting compliments on how well I’ve done through this pregnancy! You people know how to make a pregnant girl feel good! Oh, and I scored a baby monitor and other baby goodies in the clearance aisle! It’s the little things in life!
He’s like a little Mexican jumping bean! Not only are the movements on one side of my stomach, they are now on both sides at one time. I’m pretty sure that he’s had the hiccups some this week, too. He’s probably had them before now, but my husband helped me realize that was what was going on.
We went to the movies yesterday and watched Fast 6. I swear he didn’t move just about the whole time we were in there. The loud sounds of speeding cars might have done him in…haha!
Baby boy! While I’m not sure what exactly to do with a boy, I’m excited about him, and I think a baby boy is the perfect fit for me. I might have my hands full if it were a little girl!
{Labor Signs}
None yet!
{Belly Button}
Still in, but flattening out!
{What I Miss}
Being able to sleep on my stomach {oh, how I miss that}! Being able to bend over and get up easily from the floor! Looking normal!
{What I am Looking Forward To}
Being able to buy and wear regular clothes again! Being able to sleep on my stomach! Holding my baby boy and not just imagine what he’s going to look like and be like!
Officially in month 8! He should be around 4 1/2 pounds {or possibly less since he was measuring about a week behind}. Antibodies are being passed from me to my sweet, baby boy.
You look wonderful! Rest as much as you can he will be here before you know it.