When school starts back and football games begin to be announced for their upcoming arrival, I immediately start thinking that it is time to break out the fall décor. When is it finally ok to put the leafy wreathes on the door and start burning all of my warm and toasty scents in the Scentsy? I’m about to bust to put it all out and go raid the stores for even more stuff. I’m trying to hold back until September 1st, but it is taking every bone in my body to hold me back. It seriously doesn’t help my case that the stores have it all out now. FYI {Stores rack up when I walk in the door during the month of August….school supplies and fall décor….oh, dear!}
Since I haven’t actually put any of my seasonal items up for fall, I figured I would share with you some photos that I found on Pinterest {yes…again}. It’s the top ten reasons that I really love fall….and I’m sure I’m going to forget some things. It might be an ongoing list.
Jeans, boots, sweaters, scarves…those are my favorite things to wear. I swear I sometimes wish I could move somewhere in which I could practically where these items all the time.
S’mores….dear heavens! I can taste the things in my mouth now. Now that I have a fire pit at the house now, I think I’ll be cooking me up some on a nice, cool night.
Football…college or high school. I’ll take either really. I’m more a college football kind of gal, but the occasional appearance at a high school game doesn’t hurt. I actually adore the sounds and smells that come with attending one. College football is exciting to me though, too. We’re not the tailgating at the game type {not that there’s anything wrong with it}, but we do love to watch a game at the house. I’m hoping that this year we can even have a few friends over to watch the games with us.
Fall scents….anything warm and cozy. I have been saving up my scents of mochadoodle and pecan praline. When I open my scentsy basket, all of those scents combined exit into the air, and it makes a heavenly smell.
A cozy fire. For the first time, Colby and I actually have a fireplace and a place to put our wood inside the house. I am dying for it to be filled to the brim with wood and to hear a crackling fire as I relax on the couch.
The changing of colors and a nice breeze. When fall is really in the air, the leaves will slowly but surely begin to change and the wind will so gently blow them to the ground. That breeze is one of the best feelings in the world to me. I could sit outside in the afternoons for hours just soaking up the atmosphere. I have already spotted a few color changes here and there. So, do I have permission to throw up the fall decorations yet?
Everything to do with pumpkins! I have a gigantic front porch and a lovely back porch that I’m ecstatic about. I can see pumpkins and mums and all of the rest on it this year. It might not actually become reality because of the moo-lah that is involved with such, but I’m willing to give it a good shot. Going to the pumpkin patch and carving pumpkins are some of the best memories you can make. It takes you away from the hustle and bustle that can really come with all that happens during the fall season.
Hay rides and harvest festivals, oh my! I have even made a Pinterest board {surprise, surprise} for such things. I’ve heard talk around church about a possible harvest festival, so I’m trying to get up some new and creative games for it. Every year we have a hay ride through the fields behind our church, and it is so peaceful to be curled up in a blanket {another love of fall} beside the one I love and gaze at the stars with all of those who are dear to me as well.
Trick or treating! Last year was the first year that we had trick-or-treaters, and Colby was more entertained by my excitement of little ones showing up in the costumes than the kids themselves. It’s a sight to behold. Since I’m on a budget, I’m going to try to find a cost-efficient way to have some trick-or-treaters this year without breaking the bank.
Hunting season….actually yes! Praise the Lord that I am finally going to be free to do as I please this year and won’t be tied down with school {in a degree seeking way anyway}. While I don’t love the mess that sometimes comes with it, I do love the way Colby smells after going hunting and seeing his excitement after killing “the big one” thrills me just as much. It will be nice to spend some time at the cabin here and there on the weekends and just break away from reality. If you teach second grade Reading Street, you will understand this next statement. I love a rural area! For all of you who are not teachers of the second grade, ‘rural’ was one of our amazing words this week.
That’s my top ten list of why I love fall, y’all! I know you have your own things that just make you desire this time of year to hurry up and arrive just like I do. What did I miss? Any suggestions of things I should try and do this year to celebrate this amazingly wonderful season that our Lord created?
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