Remember that big boy room that I blogged about a good bit in January? Well….we finally put the plans into place and have made good progress in that room. It’s still a good way from complete, but it is definitely getting to that point.
Right now it is to the point where I can walk by the room and not cringe when I get a glimpse of it.
This is where the room started. It’s really quite embarrassing. It was the room that caught all the junk that didn’t have a place or needed to be hid from the public when there wasn’t enough time to figure out a proper place for it. It had no style. It was simply the room that had parts of other rooms pieced together to get it out of the way.
A sad sight to see…
And this is a long cry from where we began when we first bought the house…Hello blue carpet!!!
I had put together this inspiration board to piece together some ideas of the direction I wanted the room to go in.
So far, I have gotten everything in the inspiration board except for the headboard.
My original inspiration came from the blog Dixie Delights and her little boy’s big boy room.
And for the reveal as it is now…
The to-do list always continues, but here are the major things that definitely need to be done:
- Get headboard
- New light fixture
- Have Euro pillows made
- Move dresser to the room or get a different one
- Accessorize, accessorize, accessorize!!!
I think once Landry moves into this room the little signs of life will make this room look much more complete. Until then, I’m just looking for little treasures to accessorize it and for a few more things to hang on the wall. At least it is an improvement from where it first began.
Duvet cover and shams- IKEA {I had the shams reduced to standard size instead of king size}
White quilt- Overstock
Bedskirt- Overstock
Down Comforter- Overstock
Baskets- World Market
Bookcases- Target
Curtains- Fabric from IKEA
Curtain rods and rings- Target
Crab art- Etsy by SheilaSmithDesigns
Lamps- T.J. Maxx
Throw pillows- Dirt Cheap {originally from Target}
WHOAAA THATS SOME NICE LOOKIN CRABS love what you did with tthe room but those are some dang nice crabs wish i could get me some crabs. i mean to be fair some girl did give me crabs back in the 80s but thats a whole different story if you catch my drift, like i caught crabs the night LMAOOOOO anyways thanks for the inspo i rate this crab out of 10