Friday, August 5, 2011

An Empowering Speech

This past week my life was officially overtaken by preparing for this upcoming school year, which will begin for me on August 9th. The students do make their appearance until August 15th though, which is a relief since I feel like I only have a gazillion things to do before they come.

I’ve had way more time this year to prepare, yet I feel like I still have the few days I was left with last year. I’m the victim of procrastination, but to my defense I’ve been slowly learning and understanding the ways of 2nd grade. Let me tell you….I’ve still got a ways to go, but I feel confident that I’ll catch on quickly.

Some people have the crazy idea that teachers actually get two whole months off, but what they don’t realize is that we’re still preparing {even if it’s just a little bit here and there} throughout the summer. We’re putting in countless hours and money, for that matter. We do it because we love our jobs, and we love our students. We want to provide them with the best education possible  in the best environment we can provide, which is why we don’t mind what we do.

I’ve always appreciated teachers, but now that I’m a part of this profession, I have a whole new respect for all of the men and women that taught me over the years.

Today, I was made aware of a speech that Matt Damon made in the defense of the teachers of our country at a Save Our Schools rally. It is certainly motivation for me, and I’m sure it is for many other teachers. It’s nice to know that we do get support outside of the school system.

Please watch this video. It’s certainly not a waste of anyone’s time.

Make sure you say thank you to a teacher, too. It will make their day! Sometimes it’s just the little things that make us feel appreciated =)

1 comment:

  1. Well my dear, Let me be the first to tell you that I know you are a great teacher. It is evident that you enjoy your job and strive to teach your kids to the fullest.. and for that I THANK YOU! Hope you have a great year :)
