So far this year, I will be hosting {maybe co-hosting a few} showers at my house for some very good friends and family….not to mention the birthday party for that special three year old that will be taking place in May. Nearly every month after that is booked with a shower for at least one weekend of the month.
Then, I will be in not one, not two, but THREE weddings in October. I’m either well-liked or crazy {there is a possibility of the last one for sure}. Seriously though, I couldn’t be happier to be in those three weddings, but it may be likely it will make the month a very stressful one. On a positive note, I will be in my second year of teaching, so school will be a little bit easier then. That’s a huge stress reliever in itself.
I figured I would do a few segments on some party ideas that I’m considering for all of these lovely ladies who are near and dear to my heart.
To begin, I’m going to start with my friend, Andrea.
Photo by Julie Cottrell Photography
Isn’t she stunningly beautiful? Andrea and I became friends way back in 2nd grade. Through the years we have been nearly inseparable and best friends {with a few bumps in the road, of course}, but we love each other dearly now. That’s what matters anyway!
She’s also marrying a sweet guy, Whitney, whom I’ve known since sometime in middle school. I knew of him in elementary school, but we were never in the same class. I’m so grateful that Whit and Andrea’s friendship grew to be much more….so much more. They couldn’t have picked anyone better for themselves.
Boy, this is from the good ole days!!!
On to the purpose of this post….
I am planning Andrea a Monograms and Mimosas shower. I got the idea from my sister-in-law, Abby. She and her FAB friends have had several of these showers for many of the ones of the group who have gotten married.
Seeing as how Andrea L-O-V-E-S monograms with every ounce of her being, I thought this would be perfect.
If you’re not familiar with this type of shower, the guests shower the bride-to-be with gifts that have her monogram or the couple’s monogram on it. I am a sucker for personalized gifts, and this type of shower breaks up the monotony of your typical shower.
Here are some photos I’m getting inspiration from…
Monogrammed cake is a definite! It may not be this size, but I do like what a substantial statement it makes.
Cute and re-usable!
Instead of the cake, this is another option I’m considering. It would be much easier and has an equal amount of cuteness!
Simple flower arrangement
How cute would this be on the front door! Heck, I might just want one of these for my house myself {ahem….Laurie}.
White dishes, simple vases, white candles…always a lovely combination!
To top it off, my brother-in-law, Judd, will be doing a custom design for the invitations. It just doesn’t get any better!
What are your opinions? Do you have any other fabulous ideas? I would love to hear them. Have you found a website with lovely ideas? Send them on over!
I think you and Andrea are going to love the M&M party. It is a hit with the fab. We love you and are glad to be a part of this fun event via the invitations. I can't wait to see what Judd designs.