I have so much to be thankful for this year. This year has been so eventful and full of happiness that it would be ridiculous of me to not express my thanks for all of the blessings in my life.
To begin, I’m thankful for the abiding love that God has for me. A self-less man gave his life for our sins so that we would have eternal life with God in the riches of heaven. I sit in amazement each and every time I read the Easter story and imagine the pain he faced all for us. If we all could be so selfless…
Second, I’m thankful for this man….
He is the most amazing husband and best friend to me. He pushes me to do my best and gives tough love to me when I feel like I can’t go anymore. Yet, he loves me unconditionally and is always there to make me smile and laugh to brighten my day. He gives me attention that no one else could fulfill and knows just when to give a little extra. Events in the past few months have really brought to life how lucky I am to have him by my side each and every day. It has truly made me aware to not take for granted a simple “I love you.” It may be the last.
I’m also thankful for these people…
My family. My immediate family. My in-laws.
They are all absolutely wonderful. They always provide insight into the unknown and share their experiences to light the way for me. I couldn’t ask for a better family or in-laws. Amazing! That’s exactly what they are.
For the rest of the week, I’ll be sharing what I’m thankful for. I really have so much. It can’t fit into one post. I encourage you to do the same. What are you thankful? Think past the negative and focus on the positive.
We are thankful for you too.