Do you receive a catalog and think that you could probably decorate your entire house from that one catalog? It's the shop that nearly describes your style exactly. Well, I received the newest Ballard Designs catalog this week, and I have probably looked through it fifty times. I just can't seem to get enough of it. I ooo and aaahh over the pictures and think to myself about how I could use those pieces somewhere in Colby's house.
Out with the old and in with the new! It's more like I wish that's what could happen. Right now, I'm very pleased with the opportunity Colby and I have been given by his parents. They've allowed Colby to renovate the house that is next door to them and live there rent free. You just can't beat it. Then, one day we will be able to rent the house and receive the rent in return for the amount of money was put into the house for renovations.
The house is very cute, and it is very presentable. It's just lacking some style and especially some color. That's why I dream of what I'm going to do to the house one day. Right now, we're just trying to get the basics in the house. There is definitely a lack of storage, so that comes first.
In the mean time, I suppose I will just dream about the things I want to add to the house, and especially dream about the things I want removed from the house. Haha! So, I've picked a few pieces to share with you of things I would buy from Ballard Designs if I had all the money in the world to spend....don't we all wish that!

As the queen of organization and a future teacher, I need some space to grade papers, keep important information handy, and have a place to put my laptop other than on the coffee table where I use it now. I also love the adorable chair that goes along with it.

Well...I just thought I would share some thoughts this morning I had on my mind. By the way, if you've bought anything from Ballard Designs, what is the quality of their merchandise? Do you recommend it?
I have never bought furniture from Ballard, but it always catches my eye. I did buy that antler flatware for the cabin from there. I think is is of a nice quality. It is way better than what they sell at Bass Pro. I doubt that helps but I thought I would share. Oh, by the way, I think there is a Ballard Design Outlet in ATL. We need to take a road trip. :)