Over the past week, my dad turned the big 5-0! Bless his heart, he even had to work on his birthday.
Knowing he wouldn’t want to celebrate his birthday with friends knowingly, my mom took it upon herself to plan a surprise birthday party for him. It was just a small get-together with his hunting buddies and their wives, and of course our immediate family.
My mom baked a cake and cooked a tasty pot of chili {I’ll post this recipe for your taste buds on a later day.}
Lot of serious talk went on that night. You know….deer, turkeys, dove…who kills the biggest buck, etc., etc., etc.
And of course the birthday boy kept us all entertained with his usual antics…
Now changing topics!
Friday was W.S. Neal’s homecoming, so of course that means a 1/2 day of school and a parade. It has it perks, but it also has its down side.
1/2 day of school
Parade and Candy
Seeing friends that you usually don’t see
The Down-Side:
Students go nuts!!!
Traffic is terrible
Oh and did I mention that students go nuts!!!
After the crazy day we had at school of rushing around, I ventured away from the school just in time to see the parade. I met my sister and niece, Aly, with about 20 minutes to spare.
Camera time it was =)
It is your typical small town, southern high school homecoming. Class floats, homecoming queen and accompanying maids, band, and the whole nine works.
That was me at one time…oh the memories =)
It’s tradition that the queen wear a beautiful white gown, while the maids wear royal blue gowns.
This is the float I thought should have won =)
It was my mom’s 30th reunion, which was great until Aly saw her Nana. That caused this reaction.
We ended the parade on a better note than this, I promise. Sorry for such a long post….That’s just how it kind of happened.
Here’s a preview into what I’m working on now…
Brenna, this post gave me the biggest smile. I loove the picture of milesy! I deactivated my fb so i'll have to keep a close eye on the blog myself! Hope you and colby are well! love you