Monday, April 1, 2013

A Week of Rest and a Weekend of None

I was on spring break this past week. It’s one of the perks of teaching school. From day one of spring break, my time off kind of looked like this….



Weekend……….busy again!

But back to work today!

On the first weekend I was off, Colby and I completed some of those chores around the house that just need to be done after the winter season is finally done rearing its ugly head. When the weekend was over though, the rest of the world went back to work {including my lovely husband}.


No vacation for us this year! And the weather wasn’t warm enough for this chick to go to the beach….typical spring break weather {a sudden couple of days of cold}.

But when the weekend rolled back around, the weather perked up, and we were out and about again. Colby’s brother and SIL came to town to celebrate the Resurrection of our Lord! As always, we went to the farm to enjoy the scenery and some good cooking.


The chef for the night was my BIL, and shrimp, potatoes, mushrooms, and corn on the cob were on the menu {and some bread, of course}.


These were some of the biggest shrimp I had ever seen! I had to enlist Colby’s help in shelling the darn things. I was a bit intimidated by their size. I’m not going to lie.

The food did not disappoint. And my father-in-law wasn’t disappointed in his catches of the evening either.


And what’s Easter without an Easter basket? A big thanks to Dot, my MIL, for our lovely filled baskets full of goodies for us and the baby.


And I can’t forget Aunt Abby and Uncle Judd either! The Velveteen Rabbit will now be gracing the bookshelves for Baby Langham.


The following day we got up early to celebrate our risen Lord! Hearing the Lord’s word, beautiful traditional Easter songs, and fellowship among others really does the soul good. I can’t imagine not living my life without the Lord! And I’m beyond grateful for the most abundant blessing anyone could ever receive {the forgiveness of our sins through dying on the cross}.

And for those of you who are wondering….I’m 20 weeks now! Half way there!


Afterwards, we indulged in a traditional Easter lunch and headed out to my grandparents’ for the egg hung {which almost wasn’t}. Apparently, we all need to pitch in next year and buy eggs for the kids. And maybe enlist some different egg hiders….haha!


In the end though, it was a real success! Despite its busyness, it was a terrific weekend! I can’t wait for the time when we’ll have our little one to chase after and help find Easter eggs with. Our day will come though.


How do you spend Easter? About the same way? Either way I hope you had as blessed a day and weekend as we did!

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